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About Lydia



Natural fertility

Birthing after trauma

Traditional postpartum

Water birth

Breastfeeding peer support

Baby Bowen Technique

Biblical parenting

My Story

I am the woman I am today because of my birth experiences. My mother birthed me as gently and with as much love as she knew how. And I birthed my own children with just as much consciencious love. And I am confident that my daughters will do the same in their own time.

The pregnancy and birth of my first child was a life changing experience. I was faced with a great many choices about how and when to birth, choices that I knew would effect how my husband and I feel about ourselves as parents and the future health of our child. We did our research. We felt confident in our choices.

When birthing day came, most of those choices were respected but some where not. This left me feeling a little out of control and traumatised. What would we have done differently? We would have hired a doula!

“If we are to heal the planet, we must begin by healing birthing.”                          

Agnes Sallet Von Tannenberg

I became a doula because I wanted to ensure that the families I am privileged to work with have a birth experience that sets them up to be joyful, confident, and connected. I want to help them navigate the wealth of information about birth choices so that they can make informed choices that suit their needs. I believe that this is the best way to increase satisfaction with birth experiences, inspire confidence in new parents, and to ensure the next generation of compassionate families that are able to reach their highest potential.

I trained with Red Tent Doulas and Doula UK. I am a member of Red Tent Doulas.

I completed the Breastfeeding Foundation Course for Doulas with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers. 

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